1.- The revolution of 1891 was began due to:
a) A drop in the price of copper
b) President’s illness
c) Recurring problems between the Executive and Legislative.
d) Agricultural crisis
Correct response: c
2.- Under which government was the Obligatory Primary Instruction Law put into effect?
a) Juan Luis Sanfuentes
b) Federico Errazuriz Echaurren
c) Ramon Barros Luco
d) Jose Manuel Balmaceda
Correct response: a
3.- Which is the correct order of the seven presidents that governed during parliamentarianism?
a) Riesco, Pedro Montt, Barros Luco, Sanfuentes, Alessandri, Balmaceda and Jorge Montt.
b) Barros Luco, Sanfuentes, Alessandri, Balmaceda, Jorge Montt, Errazuriz Zañartu and Figueroa.
c) Balmaceda, Jorge Montt, Errazuriz Zañartu, Figueroa, Pedro Montt, Sanfuentes and Alessandri.
d) Jorge Montt, Errazuriz Echaurren, Riesco, Pedro Montt, Barros Luco, Sanfuentes and Alessandri.
Correct response: d
4.- The parliamentary regime was put to an end by the following event:
a) A plebiscite
b) A constitutional reform
c) By Congress’s popular consent
d) With a military movement
Correct response: d