1.- How many comunas (counties) does the region of Valparaiso have?
a) 31
b) 40
c) 38
d) 39
Correct response: c
2.- What marsh goes through the city of Viña del Mar?
a) Marga Marga
b) Casablanca
c) San Jeronimo
d) Yali
Correct response: a
3.- Which marine bird is the most common one in the Cachagua Island Natural Monument?
a) Olivaceous cormorant
b) Humboldt penguin
c) Dominican gull
d) Blackish oystercatcher
Correct response: b
4.- Which is the most popular beach town in the province of San Antonio?
a) Reñaca
b) Las Cruces
c) Quintero
d) Cartagena
Correct response: d