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The atmosphere
The atmosphere keeps the temperature on the surface of earth, protects it from solar radiation and takes part in the energy exchange.
-It is made of five layers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere.
– The meteorological phenomena occur in the troposphere.

Elements and factors of climate
-The main elements of climate are temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity, and solar radiation
– Atmospheric pressure is the force that the atmosphere exerts in all directions.
– If atmospheric humidity is over the saturation point, it rains.

World climate
-A climogram is a graphic that keeps records of rainfall and temperature of a determined place in a period of time.
-The characteristic of the mountain climate is that it may be found at any latitude, since it depends on the height.

Climate in Chile
-The main factors that influence the climate in Chile are, by its extent, its location in reference to the Ecuador, the relief, and the influence of the high and low pressure centers.
-The absolute desert climate as well as the cold or ice, are the most extreme weather condition in our country.