– Reproduction is a process in which a sperm and an ovum are united through sexual intercourse.
– Sexual intercourse is the physical union between a man and woman. It unleashes voluntary and involuntary acts.
– Ejaculation is the discharging of semen into a woman’s vagina.
In reproduction, what is united through sexual intercourse?
What kinds of actions are unleashed during sexual intercourse?
– Fertilization takes place when the sperm and ovum fuse together, adding up to a total of 46 chromosomes.
– When the zygote is made up of 64 cells it is called a blastocyst. This is what is ultimately implanted into the uterus walls.
– The main function of placenta is communicating the mother and fetus’s blood vessels.
How does fertilization take place?
What name does the zygote receive when it reaches 64 cells?
Fetal development and childbirth
– After 12 weeks of gestation, the embryo is called fetus.
– During the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetus can recognize some voices and sounds.
– Childbirth takes place after 40 weeks of gestation, when the mother feels regular contractions and the sac of amniotic fluid breaks.
What name does the embryo receive after 12 weeks of gestation?
When does childbirth take place?