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In order to see what and how much you’ve learned, we recommend you go over the tips and summaries and answer a few check-up questions.


– After fertilization, a diploid cell contains all of the information needed to create a new human being.
– Gregor Mendel’s research with peas led to learning how traits are passed on between parent and child.

Where is all of a human being’s information contained?
What was the contribution of Mendel’s experiments?


– Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule that contains the genes that carry all of an organism’s genetic information.
– DNA is made up of four bases: thymine (T), adenine (A), guanine (G) and cytosine (C), which are subsequently made up of three parts: a nitrogen base, a sugar and a phosphate group.

What is DNA?
Which are the bases that make up DNA?

Chromosomes and inheritance

– Chromosomes, which are located within the nucleus of a cell, are structures made up of DNA and proteins and they carry genetic material.
– Human traits, such as body size and weight, are determined by groups of genes acting together.
This is known as polygenic or quantitative inheritance.

What are chromosomes made of?
What is polygenic inheritance?