The following ecological systems are recognized in this region:
– Archipelago and fiords vegetation: it corresponds to the zone spanning from the archipelago of Chonos until the Cape of Horn (Region of Magallanes). Its main features are the high rainfall, low temperatures and a poor soil. Thus, wide peatland zones are developed with few tree species. Among which stand out species such as the Guatecas cypress (Pilgerodendron uviferum) and some of the Nothofagus gender, such as the Chiloe and Magellan Coigue (Nothofagus nitida and N. betuloides).
Farther south, trees begin dwarfing and peat lands increase due to ever-increasing difficult conditions. In this space is found the Guaitecas Cypress (Pilgerodendron uviferum), the Tapu (Tepualia stipularis), the Canelo (Drymis winteri), the Ñirre(Nothofagus Antarctica), the Male Mañio (Podocarpus nubigenus), the Notro (Embothrium coccineum), the Taique (Desfontainia spinos), the Devil´s Sauco (Raukua laetevirens), the Hard Timber (Maytenus magellanica), the Chilco (Fuchsia magellanica), the Voqui bejuco (Campsidium valdivianum) and some species of the Escallonia gender such as the Escallonia virgata, E. rosea and E. rubra.
At the peat lands, the dominant force are mosses of the Sphaaagnum gender (such as the Sphagnum magellanicum or Pompon) that are accompanied by species such as the Astelia pumila, the Coicopihue (Philesia magellanica), the Drosera or Atrapamoscas (Drosera uniflora), the Palacoazir (Gunnera magellanica) among others.
Concerning fauna, it is scarce and its most representatives species are the South Andean Deer (Hippocccamelus bisulcus), the Huillin (Lutra provocax), the Southern fine Seal (arctocephalus australis) and birds such as the Chucao (Scelorchilus rubecola), the Southern Huedhued (Pteroptochos tarnii), the Kingfisher (Ceryle torquata), the Large Becacina (Gallinago stricklandii), the Caranca (Chloephaga hynbrida) and the Flying and Nonflying Quetru ducks (Taachyeres patrachhonicus and T. pteneres).
– Aisen deciduous forest: behind the ranges foothills, the weather becomes dryer and the thermal oscillations are sharper, daily or seasonal. This factor produces a development of a vegetal association called Aisen deciduous forest, which is a mixture of deciduous and evergreen forest (very modified by fires and exploitation). Among its characteristic vegetal species are the Magellan Coigue (Nothofagus betuloides), the Lenga (Nothofagus pumilio), the Ñirre (Nothofagus Antarctica), the Maitencito (Maytenus districhia), and the Chilco (Fuchsia magellanica).
Meadows are developed at non protected areas where can be found different species of grass such as the Ovillo Grass (Dactylis glomerata), the Honey Grass (Holcus lanatus), the White Clover (Trifolium repens) the Lion Tooth (Taraxacum officinale), the Llanten (Plantago lanceolata and P.mayor) among others. This kind of vegetation is used as forage for the ovine cattle.
Concerning fauna, there are mammal species such as the Piche (Euphractus pichiy), the Patagonian Hairy (Euophratus villosisi), the Southern Vizcacha (Lagidium wolffsohni) Guanaco (Lama guanicoe) and the Huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus). Among worth mentioning birds are the Pitio (Colaptes pitius), the Southern Hued Hued (Pteroptochos tarnii) and the Eaglet (Buteo polyosoma).
Eastwards the Ranges develop a much drier climate, with precipitations around the 600 mm and with great thermal daily and seasonal differences. This has meant that the vegetable formations to be scarce and the existing ones are formed by especially adapted plants such as the Neneo (Mulinum spinosum), the Duraznillo (Colliguaja interregima), and some trunes or cadillos (Acaena pinnatifida y A. splendens).
Protected wild areas
At the Region of Aisen there are 18 wild protected areas, out of which 5 are national parks, 11 are national reservations and 2 are natural monuments. All these add up to five million hectares.
– Queulat National Park: is located 220 km south of Chaiten and spans along the Ventisquero Inlet with a 154.093 hectares surface. It has the Andean ranges landscape with a prevailing evergreen forest plentiful of ducks, coipos, swans, etc. Among its main attractions are the Colgante drift, the Risopatron lake, the Padre Garcia, the Condor and Piedra del Gato waterfalls.
– San Rafael lagoon National Park: it was created on 1959 and has a 181.229 hectares surface. Is located at the Northern Ice Fields, eastwards Cochrane and constitutes one of the most relevant national attraction. Besides, it has a wide variety of birds (black-necked swans, cormorants, ducks and condors) and mammals (chungungos, pudues, Patagonian grey foxes and guiñas).
– Isla Guamblin National Park: spans for 10.625 hectares occupying almost the whole Guamblin Island ( Chonos archipelago). It has an almost virgin ambiance for its difficult access.
– Magdalena Island National Park: it occupies the whole island [Puerto Cisnes comuna (county)] and was declared park on 1983. It reaches a 157.616 hectares surface where there are many inlets and an abundant vegetation.
– Bernardo O´Higgins National Park: is the largest national park in Chile, with 3.525.901 hectares and is located between Aisen and Magallanes regions.
– Rosselot Lake National Park: is located at the Cisnes comuna (county) and reaches 12.725 hectares. Its main attraction is the likewise named lake (see hydrograph).
– Carlota Lake National Reservation: is located at 2230 km from Coihaique city, at the Cisnes River northern extreme. It has 18.060 hectares and some of its attractions are the Carlota Lake and the Caceres mountain range.
Las Torres Lake National Reservation: is at 130 km from Coihaique covering 16.516 hectares. Here, mountains covered with forests and endless streams and rivers can be found.
– Trapananda National reservation: it was created on 1992 and is at 45 km from Coihaique. It has a 2.305 hectares surface were the Aisen deciduous forest can be observed.
– Las Guaitecas National Reservation: it was established on 1938 and is one of the oldest protected wild areas of the country. It spans for 1.097.975 hectares and is the zone of the Chonos archipelago and its relevance is based in that species such as the Guaitecas Cypress are protected (exploited indiscriminately in the past).
– Simpson River National Reservation: is at 32 km northeast Coihaique and has a 40.452 hectares surface. The Simpson River crosses it and has a very rugged relief (plains, canyons, waterfalls, etc.). It has exuberant vegetation made of coigues, tepas and mañios.
– Coihaique National Reservation: it has a 2.150 hectares surface and belongs to a comuna (county) likewise named. Its great biodiversity stands out for species such as coigues, lengas and ñirres, and among animals are cougars and foxes.
– Cerro Castillo National Reservation: it was created on 1970 and spans on a 134.000 hectares surface. Is located at 64 km southwards Coihaique and there are two places standing out for its beauty: Castillo and Iglesia hills.
– Jeinemeni Lake National Reservation: is located 65 km southwards Chile Chico. Its main attraction is the Jeinemeni Lake that has a calypso blue color and is surrounded by forests. Besides, at the reservation is the Hand Cave, so called for it has tehuelche cave paintings within.
– Cochrane Lake National Reservation (or Tamango): is located 6 km southeast bound Cochrane, on the Tamango hill slopes. It covers 6.925 hectares where lengas, ñirres, coigues, notros, etc. are developed. Besides, it has a varied fauna with birds such as cucaos and condors and mammals such as foxes and guanacos. Nevertheless, its major treasure is an important huemul community.
– Katalalixar National Reservation: is located north-eastwards Tortel cove and it has a 674.500 hectares surface. Ample forest can be found in that area where Guaitecas Cypresses and long-leaved Mañios abound.
– Dos Lagunas Natural Monument: it belongs to the Coihaique comuna (county) and has 1812 hectares. El Toro and Escondida lagoons can be observed at this sector.
– Cinco Hermanas Natural Monument: is 50 km from Puerto Aisen and is composed by small islands that, all together, span for 228 hectares.