Octavo Básico
An often-invaded nation Pakistan has a very varied ethnic background, due to its location in a region that has been repeatedly invaded over history. The original population of Pakistan includes such groups as Dravidians, Aryans, Greeks, Scythians, Huns, Arabs, Mongols, Persians, Turks and Afghans, among others. It is currently inhabited by Punjabis (52.6%), Pashtuns (13.2%), […]
An Industrialised Country Canada is one of the 10 most industrialised countries in the world and in some parts of the country, the industrial sector employs more than 40% of the population. The pillars of its economy are mining, manufacturing, agriculture, livestock and forestry. It is the world’s most important producer of nickel, zinc, potassium […]
Instrumentos musicales de percusión
Los instrumentos de percusión son un tipo de instrumento musical cuyo sonido se origina golpeándolos o agitándolos con la mano, un badajo, baqueta o varilla sobre una superficie membranosa, metálica o de madera. Son, quizá, la forma más antigua de instrumentos musicales.